bhagya lakshmi upcoming twist : Zee TV’s in style present Bhagya Lakshmi is attracting viewers with an fascinating storyline. At the moment, Lakshmi confides to Shalu.
As reported earlier, Shalu asks Lakshmi why is she trying pressured. Shalu asks Lakshmi if she bumped into Rishi. Lakshmi reveals to Shalu that Rohan is Rishi’s father, Rishi and Malishka are married.
Lakshmi says they went to Rishi and Malishka’s seventh anniversary.
bhagya lakshmi upcoming twist : Shalu asks Lakshmi if she is alright. Lakshmi says she is okay. Shalu hugs Lakshmi and asks Lakshmi to cease her act of being sturdy. Lakshmi hugs Shalu and cries.
Lakshmi says to Shalu that Rishi made her really feel like she is within the flawed and she or he felt sorry for him however the reality is that what she did is true.
Shalu asks Lakshmi now what’s she going to do. Lakshmi says she goes to do one thing massive in order that all the things shall be proper.