Kumkum Bhagya upcoming story : The episode begins with Monisha sharing her concern with Deepika, saying she thinks RV and Purvi are getting nearer. Deepika advises Monisha to not take any motion for some time. Deepika feedback on how Monisha introduced Neha in entrance of their household to separate RV and Purvi, however as an alternative, it solely introduced RV and Purvi nearer. Deepika additionally reminds Monisha how RV saved Purvi from Neha and have become her protector, which solely means one factor: RV loves Purvi. Monisha insists that RV belongs solely to her and feedback on it.
Harleen and Harman go to RV. Harleen ensures that RV is ok and feels relieved. Purvi tries to depart, however Harman calls her over. Purvi agrees.
Harman tells RV that if he’s alive at present, it’s solely due to Purvi. Harman says they have been so anxious about him that Purvi grew to become helpless. He provides that Purvi was the one who organized every part. Harleen tells Purvi that they’re blessed to have her of their lives. Harleen then asks Harman to name their household and inform them that they are going to be dwelling tomorrow. Harman agrees.
Khushi appears to be like at outdated pictures of herself with RV. She displays that she was silly to not notice RV’s love for her up to now. Khushi hopes that RV will love Purvi and thinks RV is an effective individual.