Bhagya lakshmi upcoming twist: The police arriving on the Oberoi mansion, prompting Rishi to ask why they’re there. The officers clarify they obtained a name from the residence. Kiran steps ahead and admits she known as them, claiming her necklace has been stolen. Kiran informs the inspector that she suspects Lakshmi. Neelam defends Lakshmi, expressing disbelief that she would do such a factor, whereas Harleen warns Kiran to not accuse Lakshmi with out proof. Rishi, Ayush, and Shalu additionally stand by Lakshmi, refuting the allegations. Malishka interjects, mocking Ayush and Shalu.
Rano confronts Kiran, asserting that Lakshmi would by no means commit theft. Karishma tries to silence Rano and makes disparaging remarks, however Rano retaliates by criticizing the Oberoi household. Rishi firmly tells Kiran that he received’t tolerate baseless accusations in opposition to Lakshmi. Ayush echoes his sentiment, mentioning that if Lakshmi ever wished a necklace, Rishi would gladly purchase her a complete jewellery retailer. Regardless of their protection, Kiran insists Lakshmi’s silence proves her guilt.
Lakshmi calmly responds, stating that solely the responsible or these attempting to border others really feel the necessity to shout, whereas the harmless stay composed. Rishi reiterates his assist for Lakshmi, reminding Kiran that she is his spouse and he received’t stand for her being accused. Malishka tries to intervene, however Rishi silences her, explaining that his tone is restrained solely as a result of Kiran is her mom.
Ayush and Shalu again Lakshmi, however Malishka accuses Lakshmi of theft, claiming jealousy because the motive. The argument escalates till the police inspector intervenes, saying that Lakshmi is underneath arrest because of the accusations. Rishi, Harleen, Ayush, and Shalu vehemently object, arguing in opposition to her arrest.
Bhagya lakshmi upcoming twist: Shalu questions Kiran, asking if the necklace was in Rishi’s room. When Kiran confirms, Aanchal insinuates that Shalu is accusing Rishi, however Shalu clarifies her stance. She reveals seeing somebody in Rishi’s room—Anushka. Shalu narrates how Anushka attacked her and made her unconscious. Lakshmi, involved, checks on Shalu, who reassures her that she is ok.
The police, nonetheless, shift focus and announce they’re there to arrest Ayush for Anushka’s alleged kidnapping. The Oberoi household protests, however the officers refuse to hear and proceed to detain Ayush. Lakshmi intervenes, asserting that Ayush can’t be arrested till a correct investigation is carried out.