Bhagya Lakshmi upcoming twist : Zee TV’S standard hit present Bhagya Lakshmi is gearing up for prime voltage Drama. The present is witnessing many twists and turns. The present nonetheless managed to outlive with it’s Storyline. Malishka tells Kiran that they’re right here for Rishi and they need to be Cautious about how they’re going to make the most of the state of affairs as a substitute of arguing.
Malishka lashes out at Kiran to which she will get Livid and tells her that she has all the time been shouting at her however she by no means left her within the center with out her help. Lakshmi Will get Scared They each will get into an enormous argument with one another whereas Neekan asks Rishi as to what’s bothering him to which he tells her that he desires to know what Lakshmi is Hiding.
Neelam asks him to test the Reviews in order that he involves know The Fact to which he tells her that he’ll Take Care of it whereas Lakshmi will get Scared considering he’ll know The Fact.Earlier than Rishi may See the Reviews, Lakshmi pretends to fall and Rishi rushed to her dropping it there. Lakshmi decides to Depart someplace to maintain her Being pregnant from popping out.