Zee TV present Bhagya Lakshmi, produced by Ekta Kapoor beneath her manufacturing home Balaji Telefilms, continues to entertain the viewers with main dramas and fascinating twists within the lives of Rishi (Rohit Suchanti) and Lakshmi (Aishwarya Khare). Anushka threatens Malishka, revealing that she is aware of the reality about her being pregnant. Then again, Shalu seems apprehensive.
Within the upcoming episode, Shalu hides the dream she noticed, and Rano confronts her. Shalu manipulates Rano and appears apprehensive. Malishka expresses her pleasure concerning the Lohri perform with Kiran as she has deliberate to throw Lakshmi out of Rishi’s life. Neelam additionally plans to take away Lakshmi from Rishi’s life and present her actual place.
Rishi will get near Lakshmi and needs to be together with her perpetually. However Lakshmi tells him it’s all a misunderstanding. Rishi items Lakshmi one thing. Then again, Anushka plans to return to the Oberoi household’s Lohri perform. Shalu and Rano come for the competition celebration, and Neelam seems at Lakshmi with imply intentions.